
full of hope, full of grace, no longer separated from the human race………………..by admitting i had been left behind………….because i was afraid i wasn’t good enough……

to manage my doubt and fear i would use anything that was near…………sex……alcohol or drugs anything that would numb the reality of how painful it was to be me………………….

then the fixes………..no longer fixed the anxiety, the pain and the hurt inside……………so i desparetly tried to hide…………..but i couldn’t hide from myself……..

so i went to others who followed a plan, shared with others about their fears and found friends……………..and the illness that almost took my sanity and life………….exposed what needed to be brought to light………..

now i am alive and free and the worst thing that could happen was the best thing for me………..sobriety isn’t free but it’s a helluva bargain…………….
