it won’t happen until you are ready/for P. and Stacy

G could drop a dump-truck full of gold at your door or rig the lottery for you…………….but until you are ready……… giving a toothbrush to a cat………….wouldn’t know what to do with it…..the blessings aren’t contingent on God……they depend on you………..

G wants to shower the faithful with resources to do his work……………we are blessed to bless others………………….

you know you are in a good place when you can witness the joy in others…………..because they are ready to receive those blessings………….and it’s debatable who is happier………. they or you for prayers answered………..

kids…….i call you kids because you really don’t much until you hit 40………..and then you only realize how much you don’t know………….but that’s a good thing……an awakening………….

you guys are a quick study…………..couldn’t be happier for you and prayers do come true…….just ask me

G dropped a load of bullion at my door last night and i know what to do with it…………grateful

never gamble with things you are not prepared to lose……..ttucro