to be clear

i write this clog to get in the way……… be a speed bump and encourage others to slow down enough to feel the presence of God…………..forget debating………….i won’t go there……………waste of my time………..if you can look around at the wonder of nature and conceive that it just happened…………you are dead spiritually…………that’s something you will have to work on…………..

i believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God as my personal Savior…………..i could not get to Gods’s Grace without Him……………….i could care less about being popular personally…………preferring to popularize His power and glory……………..but most of all the love of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost……….the only thing ”new age” about my beliefs are that Gods’ Love is timeless……….that’s it…………….God is everything……………not some thing……………….

i’m hoping for one or two that will stop and consider the possibility that God and Jesus……..God personified………..wants a personal relationship with you………….lot’s of stuff i write is in the hope of provoking thought……………this episode of the tirade is the real ”skinny”……………..

try asking God to reveal Himself to you………. He will handle the logistics