the magic word: thank-you

i can scant recall a word so small that encompasses so many things………..wrapped up inside is appreciation and pride and an acknowledgement of what has been done………..and the lingering vibe is akin to a tribe of well wishers chanting to come in………… and yet perhaps i am as guilty as you not giving others their…

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you never know

you never know where life will go and we best be ready to ride the tide…………what had seemed like a sure thing doesn’t seem that solid after all……………………. we look across a frozen pond and we wonder if the ice will hold………….debate the pros and cons and decide to wait until it thaws……………. realizing that…

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A Life Well Lived/for Gilley Gull

so what is the criteria for a life well lived…………..would have to include mistakes……..learning from those mistakes……………..lost and reclaimed………fear……acknowledged and overcome…….goals…met and not met……………..received graciously and rebuffed………..patience……..tried and broken……….and held by a thread…………….influential by actions accompanied by a few well placed words……….running off half-cocked and returning to measured steps………………life torn apart and methodically rebuilt……………weathering many…

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i still see your light/ for mgill

after all the medical procedures and treatments that destroy your body to fight of the cancer…….i still see your light……… that spirit that chucks the middle finger up at your disease and says i’m living in spite of you……………i’m still making a difference in people’s lives……that light….. that light that’s shines brighter then what you…

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what can i bring/for mgill

what can i bring to a dying man who is full of more life than most of us…………who accepts the outcome but not the terms…..he has basically told his disease, ”i’m going when i’m ready………………not when you’re ready………this is my show and God is the director and producer……….so sit over there and be quiet, throw…

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making God more reasonable/for Father Jon

efforts to make God more reasonable and easier to comprehend are the equivalent of bringing God down to our level……i couldn’t put much faith in a God that operates with the same skill-set of a man……………… the need to understand and comprehend the works and measures that God takes is another form of defiance……….. we…

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the appropriate definition for the aforementioned word is : YOUR ACTIONS NOW GIVE ME FREE REIGN TO DO WHAT I WANTED TO, AND IT’S YOUR FAULT…….. when we are hellbent, and i do me hellbent to do what we want……..we will find a way to make it acceptable……..and your fault………. the only thing i am…

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peace is knowing when to quit #2

there comes a time when reality hits…….. after you have given your best shot…….it’s time to quit……. when you pick up the pen and connect the last dot………the picture was easy to spot, a long time ago………but you couldn’t be honest…….you couldn’t let go……… so the ball you have been dragging was heavier than you…

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like you never left/for Ben Ervin and J.B.

it’s been awhile since you have been gone but i still feel your presence as i go along and when i seem anxious about the best way to proceed i think of you fondly and ask you to lead……one a natural father and the other an adopted father……when i needed you, you were always there…

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reovering from myself

the reality is i am in recovery from myself. yes i used alcohol, drugs, women, money to change the way i felt…………..but at the core was an inability and unwillingness to accept what i was and what i wasn’t………scared, inferior and lazy………….and not confidant, truthful or committed…….to anything….. the challenge, to change perception and motivation…

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