can’t hurt a fool

now it goes to say retaliation doesn’t work, forgiveness is a better way,………but a fool will stir in you the need to reply……………you are wasting your time an energy and here is why…. a fool knows all……..sees all……and hears all………… their mind,……which we know to be false……..the information we receive is only as good as our spiritual condition on that day………….like straining water through a dirty filter,………….still dirty water………

a fool will go along singing his song and throwing out the occasional barb or insult………..then one day along his merry way because he is looking for something to critique and not where he is going, he falls into hole, deep dark and cold and he wonders how he got himself into this mess………….so he had walked off the beaten path and travelers this way were lacking……………so he was left alone……..with his fears and thoughts,………takes people different things to awaken them from their dream, reality and how they live their life……………..the past days started to come back and soon he was under attack………there was nowhere for him to go…….it didn’t take long for him to realize he had been wrong and he was willing to change his ways………………….

tears streamed down his face and he prayed he would find a way to get out and lead a better life…………… was then he heard the sound of people talking overhead……………”i think someone is in that hole…………..there are footprints………….where did they go…….they stop at the edge of the hole……..can anyone hear, is anyone there speak now before we go”,…………………..he said, ”yes i am here and i welcome your help, if you please”

so they lowered a rope and pulled him up and he thanked them and offered to pay…………they said no thanks, glad to have able to help a person in need………….

he came out of that hole a different person……..he went through what he needed to break down the barrier that kept him from identifying the needs of others……….

can’t hurt a fool,…..they hurt themselves, and change when they are ready