new age= instant potatoes

thinking what you think……… and seeing what you think are miles apart……………when i see what i think on paper it takes the cosmic to concrete…..and that’s a helluva leap

human nature has a hard time accepting steadfast fundamentals…………… most of our minds all things must change……..but they don’t……………………………

the concepts of God have changed…………….but He hasn’t……………..some will cringe when i say ”He”………………………because that’s what the Bible calls Him…………………oh that book, silly man……………old,outdated, written by men, translated by men…………driven by men………..i will wager that most of the ”new age twists”, and i do meant twists of the text……..will be a distance memory in 20 years…………..but there has to be something better, newer, easier to understand……………………….drives ”new agers” up the wall when you suggest everyone won’t get it………………..a selective God…………….yep…..

But He has only one requirement…………accept His Son as your personal Savior……………..can’t earn salvation/ to me that means heaven/ it is suggested to live a certain way and do certain things as best you can……..but that’s up to you………………..i have entered into fruitless conversations where words were tossed around but nothing was changed………….we learn by doing……………and i won’t do that again…………………..people change from personal experience and then only if they are willing to be honest and have a desire……….the Bible………………people hate the word…………..they have coined the titles, ”good book”, ”life guide”, ”ethical standards”, anything not to acknowledge it as the infallible word of God……………..the cry is but there must be others…………….”one” is a very hard concept for ”new agers” to accept…………,not many paths…….one path………………there may be many paths to get to the ”one” path, but there is only ”one” path……………………too limiting is the cry……..

the Bible that will never change….it says ” you will know them by their fruits ”……………….so lets see what the harvest brings

ONE WAY………………………read the signs