
you are going in for an operation, you notice as they are putting you under the instruments they are going to use to cut you open are rusty……..you are screwed…………you try to say wait a minute but it’s too late………………………..

same thing with the truth……………………you notice that the truth is rarely fluffy………..usually it’s like Clint Eastwood walking down the center of town………not out for exercise………with a purpose…………..don’t work me towards the truth……..or dress it up so that it appears to be one thing only to find out it was really something different…………i want you to help me get to the cancer eating my butt up and when we find it let’s cut it out with a sharp and decisive tool…………..clean and sharp…………i have always preferred pain to be intense and over not this prolonged thorn in my ass that never lets me sit comfortably………………don’t lie to me………….get it out and make the process clear, clean, and quick……………………i didn’t drink mixed drinks when i drank……………i drank tequila straight…..i didn’t snort baby powder, i snorted the best white available…………….i live my life and recovery the same way…………hard,clear, clean and the best i can find……………………fluff is for fabric softener, babies and kittens…………………other than that give me the real stuff……………clear……clean and a 100 proof……………………….i didn’t come this far to be coddled……………people that really care for each other don’t pretend, don’t play unless they are playing and will look you in the eye with their hand on your shoulder, not in your pocket and tell you, ” i love you brother, but on this you are full of shit.”

you will find that someone who is honest with you, will give you something and you will leave from them with something you didn’t have……..if it doesn’t feel that way 1 of 2 things will be true, 1/ you weren’t listening because you weren’t ready to hear it or 2/……..you didn’t get the truth….ttucro
