3 strikes….. but i’m in

i don’t write this blog for you or anyone else………i write it for me……………and hope some other wayward soul can relate………….selfish………i don’t think so……….necessary……………..

in today’s society i have 3 strikes against me…….

i’m white, i’m a male and i’m a Christian……………1/i don’t feel bad because i was born, reddish actually, but they label me white, nor entitled…………i have worked for everything i have………..2/i’m a man, i have genitals…………….today i don’t feel pretty or question my identity………….3/ i’m a Christian, because i really believe this guy, oh yeah the Son of God was crucified for my sorry butt……..and i don’t feel bad about that either….

my saving grace, provided by Jesus under the direction of His Father, not mother……..is a guarantee if i follow this manual, aka the ”Bible” i will have salvation and eternal life………..am i don’t feel bad about that either….

i have been placed here to love and help, but if you mess with me…………..i will ask you to leave…….if you don’t leave, i will……..if you continue i will pray for you and then knock you out…………………and i don’t feel bad about that either……..

God bless you……………..and i don’t feel bad about that either………………3 strikes don’t make me special…………….but they don’t put me out……i’m in