God of New Beginnings

God picked me up this morning after a phone call from His assistant, Berna……… saying pickup would occur around 8am…………..this old green truck pulled up and honked the horn…………i walked out an a guy that looked like W.C. Fields smoking a cigar , motioned for me to get in……………..He said…………”what do ya think, you know nobody gets to see the real deal”…….as He chuckled………….”you got any money”, i said yeah a few bucks and He continued driving………….” you want a cigar”………..i declined…………………..we pulled into a bakery outlet and He said, ” go in a tell them you want duck bread, k”…………….and i did which netted about 5 loaves that would have ended up in the trash the next day for 2 bucks……………..we drove to a park………..i figured God knew where He was going and He parked the truck…………”watch where you step the little darlings crap everywhere”………….. and we headed for a bench………..him farting and coughing from the cigar………the ducks knew what was happening and they started descending in droves…………He handed me a couple of loves and said to mash it up to make it go further…………..i said ”shouldn’t we pray”, to which He replied, ”don’t be a smart-ass, i’m right here”………………..He smiled and i chuckled………….”I set this up because Berna wasn’t busy and you needed herding…………look I am the God of New Beginnings and you need a better GPS……Me…………let go of the need to be right and the illusion you know anything………….I got this and I got you because you asked me to takeover…………..but you keep a death grip on the reins and the horses are trampling the flowers………….if you catch my drift…………….start over simpler, kinder, softer, humbler and let Me do the heavy work”………..as He puffed away……………………….we rode back to my house and He shook my hand……..”start over and let go,………New Beginning…………as Berna likes to say, ”don’t make me come over there”…………..and He drove away……………..so i am starting over…………..as often as i need to