like teaching my dogs to play chess

i saw  Buddha on a scooter and he stopped and we had a chat…………….he said, ”i’m really not that smart…….. i’m just good at recognizing where i’m at……………. appreciating what is………. instead of what i project……..hop on i’ll show you what i mean……”

so i hopped on board…….. what a load…… the poor scooter coughed and growled……he took me to the beach and we walked in the water and he motioned to the sun…………..” what could we possibly need to make this a better day, to share with you this beautiful scene and have our paths cross this way”…………………..we got back on the scooter what a sight to see…….people laughed and waved…………….felt like everything was connected with electricity………………we puttered to a park and we walked among the trees,……”look at what God has brought and given to you and me………we are owners of everything that we both see………….of course it isn’t exactly free…………………comes with responsibility…………….to care for it as we are directed………………… but isn’t it beautiful…………..i don’t wish the sun was brighter or the trees were taller or the squirrels would stop dropping acorns…………….i am grateful for what is…………………it is perfect”……………………..he dropped me off and we hugged and shook hands………………………..he said……..” the next time you think things should be different or better……………if i remember correctly you always had dogs, i nodded, yeah i thought so……………..get your chess board out and teach them how to play……………………that would make about as much sense”……………..laughing he rode away…………………of course now he’s likened to the Messiah……………….and he would say………..”i’m just a guy who knows where i am and is grateful to accept and appreciate things as they are”…………………………………..

and i knew him when……… two old fat guys wandered around on a scooter never meant to carry………two baby elephants…………………….happy just to be

like teaching my dogs to play chess……………………that is funny