flood gate………….open

i awoke today with the aftermath of a dangerous game i played, thinking the world would look the other way…………….and i could do what i want……………..and the world let me think i could continue on, marching to my own drum as i merrily trotted into the mire……………knee deep i began to sink and i looked around to see………..a merry band laughing and shaking hands…………..echoing ”you reap what you seek”……… up to my neck someone i would have not suspect offered me a branch, i grabbed hold and exhausted i crawled and this is the words he offered to me…………….

”when we take for granted how fortunate we are…….. we open up the cookie jar to all those demons in our head……………..and when we look in…….. the pickings are slim because we forgot to be on guard……………..for when we fail to protect the blessings we collect……………..it isn’t long………………….before they are gone……………….it is one thing to say we are grateful…………………..and an entirely other to be………..”

entirely another to be