half as stupid

just beware i saw your stare, i’m only half as stupid as i look………….so before you have me sized up, categorized and labeled…………be careful i’m only half as stupid as i look……….many a man has come to find, a possum i tend to be, for while you are spouting from your trunk….i watch to see…

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either way

i think even a fool would be safe to say, pretty good chance it could go either way………when you look at it from a distance most people would say…….they must be new to the game, because they don’t know how to play, hence it could go either way………. we end up becoming where we came…

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harder on me/than i am on you

imperative for me, to be harder on me than i am on you/realty is, i can’t control what you say or do, but i can try and control me, that’s why i need to be harder on me than i am on you/ when i retrace the acts and decisions of the day, i can…

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make believe

say it over and over and with forced sincerity and put notes on your desk…………….. but without heart, it’s just make believe……you play the game so well and no one else will see…..but deep inside you know it’s only make believe…….the right thing doesn’t seem right anymore and the seams show the strain, looking for…

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a dog without a leash

initially it’s hard for us to see, left to our on devices the world is a calamity, but once we tire from tripping over the things we have misplaced, we reflect on our missteps and see where we went wrong……..there will come a time in ones’ life where we are presented with a choice, we…

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you put it on your plate…….now eat it

you put it on your plate………………..now eat it,……………….against good advice you rolled the dice and my what a mess you made………..so belly-up to the table and put your napkin in your lap, this is going to be a messy meal and it will probably give you gas………….i won’t rub it in, the misstep that you…

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the longer route

i wasn’t happy when it was asked of me to take the longer route……..immediately i balked at the inefficiency of such a protracted path, hesitantly i followed my instructions to a tee, and as i traveled down the road i became aware there were things i was meant to see……so i learned a lesson, on…

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i think about it now

looking back i have to laugh that i have made it this far… considering my calamities and the evidence of those scars… but i have healed remarkably and still continue to grow for i have learned i was forever pursuing the wrong things and now i let them go… a greater goal has been exposed…

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one step closer

when i am compelled to do the right thing, because it is the right thing………and my motive isn’t to get something…….i am in alignment with my Creator………i cannot earn my way into Heaven,…………………..i can only get there by accepting Gods’ sacrifice and believing………..there is no point system nor ribbons or trophies to signify my maturation…

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u can count on me

i would not say that to anyone, because it means certain things to me……… there may come a time when we don’t see eye to eye, when we disagree and realize that’s the way it’s going to be……..but there is a quality in our friendship that is above opinion or trend and although we may…

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