i don’t want to….but i will pray for you

as much it will cause my gut to ache………i will pray for you…………………when i see how you operate, the attempts to confuse and separate……….it’s all i can do to look at your face………but i will pray for you……..i will pray for you because you are sick and you take pleasure in watching others twitch…………i can…

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behind that problem …is a blessing

behind that issue that has you in a pinch is another opportunity to trust and obey……………do what you are told and stay out of the way…….because the God i trust has made a vow……… behind every cloud is a rainbow…………………i have come to a fork in the road and i took the one marked, ”give…

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funeral of my independence

i will attend a rite today wherein i give my independence away……….fully aware that i am turning over control of my life………initially one might say what a noble act to display……..but let me be clear….i was not doing a great job thus far………and the reason for my action , ”i hear there is gold in…

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do the math

this little exercise will become your friend, easily resolves whatever pickle your in…..clears the air….and lets one start over again………………we all go through trials every now and then to learn things we are short in……….patience, tolerance and love to name a few, and this little exercise will keep you from becoming unglued…….if we pause to…

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they don’t have a pill for that,and never will:gratitude

they can pretty much fix anything, build you a new heart, give your legs new springs………but in reality your life won’t mean a thing…………….if you don’t have gratitude…… gratitude is the magic elixir, the lubricant and the internal fixer, that allows everything as to function as it should………..without it……it’s like a train running backwards……………the caboose…

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the sounds of silence

often i seek a reprieve from the rigors of the day and remove myself to a quiet place where i can relax and meditate……………….the mantra that i use as a bridge to”no mind ” is quite simple, ”Lord show me the peace i seek in You”……………… my awareness allows me to hear the sounds that…

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instructions…………..consider the source

when we are young we do as we are told and most of that guidance is good…………….but it can’t all be because it comes from humans that are injured or scared……so they base their lives around protecting the injuries and hurts……………..which may or may not be similar experiences in our own lives…………so when you take…

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why did i do that?

pointless life without goals, doesn’t have to be grand and no one has to know…….tis for me that i set this chart, to continue my growth and mark a place to start…. so off in the future i hope to come to a place where a certain phrase i cease to speak, ”why did i…

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wide angle lens

i can keep God in the picture with a wide angle lens, my issues that appear daunting begin to look thin, when i remember……. whose presence i’m in……..when my focus is narrow and a problem is all i see, the world seems overwhelming and dangerous to me…………..every time i leave God out of my view…

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as usual…..not as bad as i thought

a little doubt mixed with a little bit of fear and i am sure a catastrophe is near, i start hoping the Red Cross will appear………………but it is never as bad as i thought……… if i feel there is something i don’t see then i make up all sorts of things that are coming after…

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