when you get to the end…………………if you are lucky enough to see it coming, often we aren’t so lucky,Ā have the guts to accept that you are the reason it turned out the way it did because of the choices you made…………if you don’t like it, accept the responsibility………..
but if you have the guts and fortitude to do hard things in the desire to live the best life you can………………………………..A.C.E………..it
- Accept/ what you can if you see the benefit…………..can’t be all about you…….but it is your life
- Change/ what you find objectionable if you can………….if you can
- Eliminate/ we all make sacrifices, that will never change…………but if it keeps you from being the best you, you can be…………….it’s gotta go
not easy…………………….but if you have the guts to go for it……………..have the guts to piss people off and let them go…………………send them away with a smile if you can…………kick in the butt if you have to
your life…………………your call