He’s not coming

He’s not coming, that God you fear, pray to when you are in despair and hope that He hears…………………lay awake at night thinking nobody cares………………He’s not coming, because He’s already here…………………………when your feet seem tangled and you struggle to talk, you have trouble forming words and you would rather not talk, you feel like the world has you on a chain, there is no one to reason with, to help you explain…………you want to keep going but you are to tired to complain…………He’s not coming……………because He’s already here…..

there are times when you are to exhausted to sweat…………you take bets on yourself when you will quit and the doors that were open all lead to pits………………He’s not coming………..because He’s already here

bewildered, befuddled, drained and spent……………..you huddle in the corner counting your rent and you look across the room and a presence is there………………and in a tone that is soft and quiet these are the words you hear: ”I was here from the beginning and I will be there in the end, there are no problems i can’t get you out of that you get in…………I am here to help you as a Father and Friend………….all you have to do…………………..is invite me in……………………….Child, I’m not coming……………………….


I’m already here