i am putting this puzzle together, most people refer to it as ”life” ………….as with everyone i have had my struggles….. i have had my fights………….but it always seems like some of the pieces were missing, i just couldn’t get it right…………..i always had a faith………and i was taught my family’s version of wrong and right, but somehow in between the dots is where i lived most of my life… Guardian Angel came to me as i was sitting in the sun………these are the words He said to me and perhaps it’s a lesson you may also need to learn………

”this restless longing you have is because this is not your home……….you were given life on this plane to learn and do Gods’ work………but you will never feel completely comfortable or that everything is in line……….those are ideals you will never know until I take you home………………..until then continue to pray and do your best to stay out of the way………… others as best you can…………….and let them see how to live by what you do and what you say……………………………….i am the Piece that is missing.”

accept that the piece and ”peace” you are missing is as it should be