1st face it/ 2nd deal with it

i don’t like it where i am but that’s okay………….i suppose i’m where i am supposed to be……………..at least i’m not afraid to look and i can acknowledge what i see………i reckon i’m where i am supposed to be……………..don’t have the desire to cover things up or pretend i’m somewhere i’m not…………..i can reflect on past occasions where i have dealt with this hump and usually my acceptance and gratitude are in question……it’s so easy for me or others to say ”you shouldn’t feel that way” which is the equivalent of spitting in one’s face………………….feelings aren’t facts but one is remiss not to acknowledge and deal with them………………..because they are either stepping stones or burdens, depending on what you do with them………………………….

1st face it……………….2nd deal with it……………………3rd learn and move on