lazy and inconsiderate: until it bothers me, could care less that it bothers you

not very flattering but i’m here to speak the truth, until it bothers me i don’t care that it bothers you….now that doesn’t sound mature or compassionate but i am being honest where i am…….until it causes problems for me i just don’t give a damn……………i wish i could say it doesn’t sit well with me to be reprimanded over and over about the same old things…………….but i will act like i am listening and agree it’s what i need to do and when you walk away i forget about it too…………………….so i’m not a fast or considerate learner, not a badge of honor but it’s true, i won’t do a thing about it until me hurts me…….not you……………….so maybe i’ve turned the corner, i can’t deny it’s true, just doing enough to get by has run out of gas and before i go any further there is a question i must ask…….”have you had enough…….are you ready to try something different?”