u can count on me

i would not say that to anyone, because it means certain things to me……… there may come a time when we don’t see eye to eye, when we disagree and realize that’s the way it’s going to be……..but there is a quality in our friendship that is above opinion or trend and although we may change, that certain thing, perhaps we will call it ”respect,” is part of who we are…………so when the lights are out and you struggle to find the door, get to a phone or just come by, and we will come up with a plan until the smoke clears and go on from there……………….i am not your judge and will never accept that role……..my function as your friend is to help you when you call………………………matters not the significance whether big or small, depending on our frame of mind a twig can seem like a log……

so this holiday, i know this year has been tough, but i want you to know u can count on me and count on my love