not the same for everyone

how naive that we should say……”well this should sound and be this way…” when God takes men down different paths and teaches them in different ways…………the main thing is the trust that He has given to each of us……….. that He knows what it will take to get us to the path He has made…

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when you get to the end…………………if you are lucky enough to see it coming, often we aren’t so lucky, have the guts to accept that you are the reason it turned out the way it did because of the choices you made…………if you don’t like it, accept the responsibility……….. but if you have the guts and…

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He’s not coming

He’s not coming, that God you fear, pray to when you are in despair and hope that He hears…………………lay awake at night thinking nobody cares………………He’s not coming, because He’s already here…………………………when your feet seem tangled and you struggle to talk, you have trouble forming words and you would rather not talk, you feel like the…

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perhaps some would call it lazy and some would term it a break…….actually i couldn’t care less how they would term it………. today i am going to skate…..across this imaginary pond and feel the wind in my face…………anything that requires my attention………………….today it can wait…………………for i have had many days spent cleaning up a mess……..resulting…

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thank-you……..i need your help

one cannot be grateful without humility i am not capable of performing miracles, only attest to them there are only two emotions……….love…..and fear i have come to terms with the revelation: there is no destination, only the journey everything is controlled by my attitude my attitude is controlled by my acceptance of reality without judgment…

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i am putting this puzzle together, most people refer to it as ”life” ………….as with everyone i have had my struggles….. i have had my fights………….but it always seems like some of the pieces were missing, i just couldn’t get it right…………..i always had a faith………and i was taught my family’s version of wrong and…

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a letter, mark, caricature, sign something to help this feeble mind, remember what it is i’m supposed to do and where i’m supposed to be………..the current trend, i say current because the hand-writers i  know don’t do current or trends, they do what they do that works for them…………………..i am generally little impressed by those…

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Flaneur at heart

the road ahead beckons me but as i have passed through time, my experience reminds me to look closely as i pass………. to examine and reflect the present and presence of where i am………….. for it does little good to reach if i am not aware of my feet……….. where they trod and step least…

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1st face it/ 2nd deal with it

i don’t like it where i am but that’s okay………….i suppose i’m where i am supposed to be…………… least i’m not afraid to look and i can acknowledge what i see………i reckon i’m where i am supposed to be……………..don’t have the desire to cover things up or pretend i’m somewhere i’m not…………..i can reflect on…

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