work not finished/ for Gill and Steve

not ready to go, you continue on, facing each day with a plan and a song, the one you hum as you carry on…………..the body fades, but not the man…..the man has come to terms, that life can best be lived one day at a time, and a simple completion of the trials of the day, is a little victory because, the body fades but not the man……

i think it is safe to say, all men couldn’t deal with the changes that have come your way, others would complain or look for a place to hang the blame, but you have reasoned that would be a waste of time, and that get’s more precious everyday……..because the body fades but not these man……..

i try to learn something everyday and today i learned you keep what you give away and two men i admire have the disposition and courage to say, ”the body is fading, but not the man.”

imagine being so confident about your future that death doesn’t bother you because you are too busy living………………..whoa