good enough….for God/for lee.p

i have a friend, a fledgling christian like me, measuring himself by a yardstick that keeps him bound to a feeling that he’s not good enough……….just like me.

now he asked me if he could come over because he needed to vent and the funny thing about it, i really needed to talk to him.

we humans are a funny lot we forget how Big and wise God is, and he would never give one blessing where He could give two….so if you are led to call someone they probably need to see you too.

so friend, we will always look less then as long as we see ourselves through our eyes……but when you stop and think about it,God sacrificed His Son for us…….so we must be good enough for God.

we can trudge this road together and when we need it we can hold each other’s hand.

good enough for God, we have been trumped