you cannot live…………until u die

u cannot live until u die, distort your face, but i will tell you why….until the sting of death is near your mind is congested and never clear…….but when death comes to visit the fog quickly fades and what is left is reality and that often is hard to see until death brings it’s clarity…….…

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the longer you spoke it was easy to see you have made the event into a tragedy/and those it was a hardship and had a high cost, the situation wasn’t hopeless and all was not lost……. you have taken an unfortunate incident and used it for a platform to garner attention for yourself…… how quickly…

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didn’t brush my hair today, so i went about in disarray, i suppose just to say…………..i didn’t feel like brushing my hair today i suppose in an offhand way that i wasn’t concerned what you would say and you can keep your opinion to yourself today………..didn’t feel like brushing my hair so my intent was…

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hurts us too/ for Sundae

when you hurt you it hurts us too, we are part of the cord you are connected to/ when you came here we became part of you/so when you hurt you,it hurts us too…. so before you take that drink or drug, raise the bottle for one last slug, perhaps you will consider that what…

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there is a beautiful spring inside of me, it’s source comes from my connection up above…….. it’s aquifers never run dry because i keep their channels clear…………… i receive their refreshing cool waters that keep my mind clean…………. for i must endeavor to scrub the thoughts i think because some of them are glorious and…

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i see your eyes cut when i suggest prayer, and it would bother me but i’ve been there and i have but one response to doubt………..contempt prior to investigation……. you can shake your head and walk away, i remember those times and i remember those days…………..and brother all i have to say is don’t knock…

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somethings either you have or your don’t. there are no substitutions, no imitations……..patience……..honesty, respect………commitment………integrity………spirituality…the list is infinite, but either you have them or you don’t, period. now you can attain them, but as for where you are right now, either you have them or you don’t. you can pretend but like one coat of paint,…

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i did not want to make the journey….. the terrain unfamiliar and the distance long…… but i gathered the bare essentials placed them in my backpack and tied a bedroll to the top…… a hat to keep the heat in and my walking stick and gloves…. as i walked the trail this morning i was…

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brother what can i give you……..can i give you freedom……………… can i give you wealth………………………………………….no can i give you hope……………………no, just encouragement i pray for you to be at peace……peace is more valuable than freedom this phase will end soon…………….not soon enough if you are smart you will take what you learn and it will…

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connecting the dots

we all have dots……….things placed strategically in our paths that make us what we are, who we are and what we will be……………the shape takes form as we endeavor to connect those dots……………………recently i experienced a mental shift as a reaction to behavior that was unsettling to me……………the abundant need to criticize and condemn……which left…

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