Rainbows or sweat

i can see you would like a remedy, that would lend itself to butterflies and rainbows…………………but you won’t get that promise from me…..we can examine the best course of action and i will be there to to help anyway i can, but all i can in earnest offer is sweat and a well thought plan……you seem a little disappointed that i won’t promise you the moon and perhaps that’s part of the problem………you expect too much too soon……i can only share what my experience has taught me, things to good to be true, usually are, so take some time and ponder what hasn’t worked so far, and if you are willing to try something different………….we can take turns pulling the plow….the results won’t happen overnight but important lessons will be learned…….and step by step you will arrive at a better place than before…….i can’t offer you rainbows but often they do appear after our work is done and sweat circled our brow, then you may experience the sense accomplishment, perhaps a rainbow in your soul