I bet this is something you would never take the time to inspect, but from my perspective it makes a lot of sense……………if you want a meaningful friendship then one would expect…………you will need to invest time

no problem…… on that we probably can agree, but the issue we run into is who gets the time……………..our favorites…..naturally, however that enhances those relationships and depletes the others

so i have taken this as an obligation i can either meet or i can’t depending on the needs and wants of that person……….either i am all in, in a friendship or we will remain acquaintances….and that may or may not be acceptable…….okay

people have a hard time letting go of friends that become toxic or demanding…………i know i do………….but either you reach resolution by addressing those issues or you pretend………..which leaves everyone uncomfortable and unfulfilled……….if you have never had a disagreement you are not in a friendship you are in a support group

either you are growing together or you are growing apart………..tough talk……….real talk

tell me about things you have learned or learning, i don’t care to talk about the ”old days”……………..they are gone

we make a covenant when we enter a friendship, a contract of sorts….” i will do what i can to help you and if you choose to do the same for me……………..we move forward…………..together”

if we aren’t there, we aren’t there, our time is precious and we must use it wisely…………especially whom we choose to be friends with