
i have come to appreciate the consistency of the same… longer do i find it boring but relaxing and mundane…….doesn’t take much for me to be enthused with life, i enjoy the simple elegance that the natural world provides………………… i can now appreciate the beginning and the end and things no longer need be renewed…

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not a dress rehearsal

hey young fella, hear what i say, it isn’t tomorrow today’s the day, so use it wisely before it goes away, tomorrow may not come so today’s the day……..i see you looking down the street…… having an idea where you are headed is a good plan to seek, but all of that may change in…

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i understand why as you good older your beauty changed but it didn’t fade………because it radiates from a place deep within…….so i have come to see from the example you have set………so within then it will show without now i will never be a beauty but i can be beautiful by embracing thoughts and deeds…

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Rainbows or sweat

i can see you would like a remedy, that would lend itself to butterflies and rainbows…………………but you won’t get that promise from me…..we can examine the best course of action and i will be there to to help anyway i can, but all i can in earnest offer is sweat and a well thought plan……you…

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the unknown

one will never become, until one faces the unknown, for without that leap of faith we cannot seek or embrace that power that leads us home………walking and guiding us through the unknown…… the unknown can be a scary place, depending on our state of faith, but only there do we grow facing things we do…

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scheduled maintenance

this body of mine has several parts… mental, physical and spiritual…..if i expect it to preform at maximum effectiveness, i have to do the required checks…. when one part is out of balance this machine doesn’t operate smoothly and it shows in my relationships and my interactions with others………………….so on a regular basis or as…

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now i was born with with a will and a whip and i can get going and things will flip, but time has mellowed me out, but i’ll never quit looking for another spool of thread to unwind…….about as curious as an old cat………i’ll scratch around and see where your at and if you want…

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nothing…….turns out to be a lot

at this stage in my life………nothing, turns out to be a lot….. not having to always be on the clock, taking time to to take stock of all the wonder around me, that’s what doing nothing affords nothing is clean and nothing is clear and i welcome nothing as something i hold dear so when…

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timing is everything

the best intentions in a well thought plan will not be received favorably if it’s bad timing/so the hardest part in life on this plane………is playing the game of waiting so you can get all fired up about a plan you’ve made but all that enthusiasm will have to be on hold………….until the right time…

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i guess so

so i’m with a friend and we are watching the news and he makes a comment on what we just viewed and i start to smile and break into a laugh………….because i never saw any of that seems awful strange that two sane adults could interpret the same thing in completely different ways………….but that is…

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