
no use pulling from the top you have to dig deep, or they will come back as you sleep when you awaken something you thought was gone is sitting at the table drinking coffee and spinning yarns so that weed that has corrupted your mind needs to be uprooted to get rid of the vine…

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compare lists

good to have an outline of the things one must do but be advised, be flexible as you compare the list with God take no time to scrutinize what is suggested to insert, for we think with the mind of infants and we cannot see our part the general outline is but a framework to…

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take it as it comes

take it as it comes, don’t waste time trying to define what seems to be out of line, with what you had in mind if you take a moment to reflect much of life has come wrapped in ways not easy to discern, only through time has it become clear to me, i don’t understand…

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takes one

takes one to turn the tide from confusion to resolution i have been surprised to find that it takes less effort than one may presume just like a stream, to control the water it isn’t necessary to stop it, just place obstacles to slow and control the flow often when a ship lists it will…

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i feed the tree

i feed the tree that’s inside of me the sapling has grown and weathered many storms because it was early on imparted to me i am the only one who can feed my tree the food for the tree doesn’t come from me it comes from a source introduced to me my Mother and Father…

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bus ride with Jesus

the loudspeaker blasts: ” Holy week, come stay with us at the Jerusalem Hilton, group rates available,…………..He is not here, He’s everywhere you want to be, accepted at more places than Jericho Visa” Jesus died on a telephone pole, between two semi conductors…………lines were overloaded, but the message, the main thing got out car pool…

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faith evident

actions are the evidence of faith………….ttucro evidence: proof, confirmation, documentation i wiggle my tongue and form the wind to pronounce things that need no introduction nor recognition, if in fact they have been done the silent servant speaks loudest by the observation of his actions my profession of beliefs can best be evaluated by my…

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wells without water

all have their season and to recognize the end, can only come with clarity and the will to began again for the shovel that had been retired must now be retrieved and effort put forth again to find the water that we seek takes an honest appraisal of what is and what will be to…

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tormented/ for t.a.p

i feel compassion for you……………………i almost said ”sorry” but that wouldn’t do you are very intelligent and capable, but your inner turmoil is palpable almost like two people in one body fighting over direction and demeanor makes me think of the ending of a game of hide and seek, when the ”caller” would proclaim………………………………………………………………………………………….. ”come…

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