ask a friend/for Metoxsu

there are many things i don’t understand, and in the past i would throw up my hands………….but i have found a better way to push through, ask a friend. there are certain things i have to do and other things i just don’t have a clue, so after i have tried the best i can,…

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now you know

what will you do ? something moved uncovered a thing that was causing problems but had been out of view. what will you do when you find something new that needs attention. now it isn’t always possible to drop everything and focus your attention on that single thing…………. but it’s unwise to wait until the…

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on your way up…..look down

on your way up to the mountaintop, don’t forget to look down for things you may have dropped. it would be good to pay attention to the different things you pass, some things only grow in the valley and you might not see them again. just a suggestion, you seem to have your blinders on,…

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reckless abandon

so you feel you have found the fountain, the diamonds and goal of life well if you believe that, then why isn’t everything right the reason i am challenging you, is that i believe what you say is true you have been so self-assured, i got on board with you so let’s let go of…

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was with God and was sent to this place to cavort and interact with the human race given a choice to see if i would seek a path back to the center the beginning of me the newness, the excitement, the challenges, the thrills easily convinced me that all was going well……..but there were moments…

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loss………but not total

it was there, but it slipped away where it went i cannot say does no good to sit and complain perhaps my carelessness is to blame it may be found, it might come back these are things i cannot project so rather than anticipate, i will go on through this day the loss was not…

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just a minute

wait a minute just to see, if what you were thinking is reality you know how we get when things are in a spin ,we twist and turn and what we think is real is not i’m not saying that you are wrong……….but few bad things have happened because i waited too long most of…

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you arrogance reminds me of the person i can be initially it made me bitter against you, but that has turned to pity the need to be the center and command the conversation and the show, disparately wanting to be notice and liked, those are feelings i have known noticing others would turn away or…

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draw the line……just don’t make it straight

draw the line just don’t make it straight, leave a little room for give and take, but if you don’t establish boundaries then when you need them, it’s too late………… so if certain things are unacceptable to you and you don’t reiterate them, then the fault lies with you people will take until you say…

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these last few days are easier to accept, when i realize it took that experience to get what i got a new perspective of what is happening to me, i am getting older and younger each day so the setting of each sun has become an organon, to learn from the experiences of the day…

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