that man was me

that man who use to make a stand against all who followed another path, that man was me that man who was so confused he couldn’t sit still long enough to see, that man was me that man’s first response was how is this going to affect me, that man was me that man didn’t…

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i can/so i will

i can help you weather the storm………………….so i will i can relate to what’s going on …………………… i will i can help untangle the knots that seem to have you bound……… i will i can be a friend without judgment or opinion………………….so i will these things that i offer you in no way make me…

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wishful thinking

i know you desperately what it to be a certain way and i acknowledge your sincerity, but the best intentions in the world won’t make a lie a reality. you dream in ideologies that time does not support and the greater good is an admirable thought but the structure has no support. time does different…

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take stock of what you carry along this road of life, one can only carry so much/what we wish to add is contingent on what we are presently carrying/choose your load carefully/your life and the quality of it lies therein careful what you ask the mule to carry

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i hurt too

when my brother is distraught, i dare not turn away, for it is my duty as a friend to suffer through the pain with him. it is not in my power to take his suffering away, but i care help him carry the load until he finds his way. i want others to have that…

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these words i throw around with such ease, always seem to return to me. those that were unkind or harsh often seem to return as darts. what they help me see is most of what i say is only important to me. if i place a filter between my tongue and mind, and only allow…

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there is a thread that stretches further than my mind can see. connects me to a power source that never loses conductivity. through all the storms i’ve faced and all the calamities, one thing has never wavered and that’s the connection that thread has with me. some say it’s just a mindset, some say it’s…

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sliding board of life

i watched my grandchild climb the steps to take her to the top. looking down, just like the rest of us, her fear makes her want to stop. witnessing those who have gone before with apparent joy and no injury, after a few words of encouragement that fear is history. perhaps the next time she…

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change is happening

i have to remind myself constantly, change is happening, i just can’t see. those leaves on the tree don’t look any different to me, but in a few weeks their colors will change. most of the time change is slow, and we aren’t aware there is change going on, just like this world is turning…

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fish aren’t biting/ not taking the bait

the fish aren’t biting, we aren’t taking the bait, so i hope you will stop fishing and try to relate. sit down and eye to eye, let’s decide on ”how”and ”why” and perhaps in a open conversation we can uncover the reason you are looking for someone to slaughter. You got burned no doubt about…

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