self sufficient/self disaster

a smart man will give the power back to the source from which it came, with that respect he can expect to have all the strength he needs. to face any issue this life to him may bring, resting in the confidence, the ”Source” will make a way.

for a man to be able to stand through adversity, gives hope and interest to others as to what on the man leans.

they come forth and inquire of the man, how this could be, that through the rain and the storm, he keeps his dignity.

he looked them in the eye and with a smile confessed, ”without the aid and power of the ”Source” friend my life would be a mess, but i have found that inside everyone is a desire for power to protect, the challenge that each of us face, is that we seek to acquire the power or to acknowledge that it already exists………………………….by deferring with respect to the ”Source.”

self sufficient/self disaster……………..i bow in respect to a power far greater than myself………….that humility is my ticket to freedom from……… fear