that man was me

that man who use to make a stand against all who followed another path, that man was me

that man who was so confused he couldn’t sit still long enough to see, that man was me

that man’s first response was how is this going to affect me, that man was me

that man didn’t know how to love because it required humility, that man was me

that man had to find his way and the path was long and hard and all the unsolicited advice was just another clog, because until he was ready to change he never heard a word, and the most well intended and kind advice was just another singing bird……………..that man was me

so to all of you who shook my hand and told me to keep coming back, i send this note of gratitude and to those who thought they knew my way your knowledge was for you and well intended as you were, the howling wind reminds me of you……………………i am that man