tormented/ for t.a.p

i feel compassion for you……………………i almost said ”sorry” but that wouldn’t do

you are very intelligent and capable, but your inner turmoil is palpable

almost like two people in one body fighting over direction and demeanor

makes me think of the ending of a game of hide and seek, when the ”caller” would proclaim…………………………………………………………………………………………..

”come out, come out wherever you are, the game is over…….it’s time to go home”

i listen to you talk about your civic activities and you are involved and a participant, i could be wrong but i sense a missing part……………..perhaps a mate

you shared that you have loved and lost……………………..but did you let go

because a boat can’t sail if it is tethered to the dock, and a heart can’t receive love if it is locked

where is that home for you ? that home for your heart

i’ll pray you find it