”better be able to laugh at yourself”
one of those days when i wished i had stayed on the shelf
remained in bed and took a mulligan, but i ventured forth and was not surprised when the day blew up right before my eyes
i gave those involved notice i was taking a break and would be back shortly after a walk in the park
i was on the path to the pond and sat on the bench overlooking the water and said aloud,” i have no idea what happened, what needs to be done nor what the outcome will be”
then a voice replied, ”seems like life to me,” i couldn’t see the speaker but i swear it seemed to be in the tree…….it continued, ” life is tough and full of tests, you have to be able to laugh at yourself”
then a Raven launched from behind the branches and flew away
don’t ask me……………i don’t know, i’m telling you what happened
i walked back home smiling and opening the door started laughing and others joined in
when i could catch my breath i said, ”lets sit down and figure this out and go get some lunch, food is a great motivator,……….and we did
life is tough……………………..and it is full of tests………………….and you do need to be able to laugh at yourself