nascent teachings/for Jenna

the course you proposed was hoped to scintillate my desire to follow along in hopes of learning something new

so trying my best to avoid contempt prior to investigation, i opened the text and it wasn’t long before i was confronted with suggestions that went against my core beliefs

one travels down the path of spirituality, if chosen, at a pace determined by desire, influence and results……………and we keep doing what works

after gleaning theses timbers we construct a framework to support our temple

nothing will dismantle a framework realized from this soul searching process

your timbers may be different then mine and i can respect that, as i expect you to respect mine

comparatively speaking i am now convinced that i have the information i need and will close the library to avoid wasted time and confusion

my source is thousands of years old and continues to amaze me of it’s foresightedness and vitality

i will pray you find what you are looking for, i have found mine

the trick is to learn the value of what is already in your possession and to stop looking,……… and do the work required to gather the harvest

more is appropriate………………. only regarding love