
this is a word, i don’t think of or use very often

the implications that someone or something owe’s me is laughable at best

i have lived a rogue life and try my best to continue, in regards to non-conventional thinking and beliefs………………………..however i try to be considerate of others and find i can do my own thing without hurting or imposing on anyone else

i believe in God……………………….to me that says volumes that need not be expounded on

i believe our nation as a hole, and i do mean ”hole”, has a hole and it is from a turning away from him

i do things i don’t like to get things i like, serenity, hope, confidence…………but that line of thinking isn’t readily accepted, people want it all to be good, warm and fuzzy…………………my thinking is there is a pot of gold on the other side of this pit which is filled with mud, self-examination, and accountability…………..i don’t like dealing with this muck, but i’m gonna get all mired up to get to that gold

i don’t deserve anything…………………………….God gave me many chances and opportunities and still does…………………………i didn’t get what i deserve and that is what i am most grateful for