old friend

old friend i see your messages and eventually return your calls

i make myself go see you occasionally to keep the thread intact, if in name only

i have to admit it’s me not you…………………………you are the same….but i’m not

life takes us different places and the places life has taken me you haven’t been there but you may be on your way

i see your drinking and your wife’s drinking has seemed to escalate now that you are retired…………………….i hope it doesn’t come to own you as it did me

but you know where to come to if that day comes, if you want

maybe that’s the reason i am to continue the connection, just in case

you have been a good friend and i love you like a brother, but i don’t love to recant the ”old days” they weren’t that good for me towards the end

perhaps that’s the next chapter in our story, that would certainly take things up a notch, me helping you get sober, you never know God works in mysterious ways

doesn’t He