easy prey

i have told you before

i will tell you again

that tiger is not your friend

i know you have had him for a long time

and you think you can read his mind

but one day you’re going to want him to do something

and he isn’t going to comply

he will come at you and draw a little blood

then his instincts will takeover and you will be his lunch

that tiger is not your friend

you have got so comfortable having him around

and he loves to roll and tumble and push you to the ground

but one day you will be perceived as the enemy

before he realizes what he has done

you will be lying in a pool of blood, and he will be chewing

on your thumb

that tiger is not your friend

the problem living with danger is we begin to think we understand

and we let our guard down and the tiger comes around

when he senses your defenses are gone he will do what tigers do

he will take the easy way and you will be his meal

that tiger isn’t your friend

in case you haven’t figured this out, substitute tiger with any addiction/ that tiger is not your friend