already here

ahhhhhhh, i though i would mention this to you and save you some time

you’re not going to locate what you are trying to find……………but it’s not bad news after all, because what you are searching for is already here

the books about the paths and the right way to sit may help you feel more comfortable but they won’t teach you shit

you see God is not out there, He is right here and He wonders why you are always going in search of something that is near

you will get further along if you just stop, put your knapsack down and sit on this rock……clearing your mind is the hardest part, so take a few breaths and open your mind and heart

all the energy you spent climbing the mountains and sleeping in tents, is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors……………… but you can talk to God while driving in your car

the notion that you have to be a certain place and do certain things is a bunch of crap they sold you while confusing your brain

God is everything and in every grain of sand………….and you can hold a part of God in the palm of your hand…………………..touch a leaf softly and you touch His skin…………………..we needn’t look up to God we can look Him in the eye, when we watch the sunset or the rain fall from the sky

so let’s get on with it and Take Him everywhere, He loves to travel especially to our hearts and instead of looking we can share, a beautiful communion with the One who put us all here

stop looking…………..He is already here