
i am the master of this ship, from time to time i run aground

so i have to wait for the tide to change to turn this boat around

i set out on this voyage to be the best i can, and as soon as i left the dock the rain came pouring down

part of me longed for the shore as it drifted out of sight and the better half manned the wheel because the reason for the voyage was right

there have been days of holy bliss and days of holy hell but i stayed the course and have learned to accept the lessons i am learning now

i know my destination lies many miles away but i can see the horizon at the end of every day

i could not have planned where the wind would blow, nor how i would adjust my sails…….but these things the gales have exposed caused me to see the man that i am

having had a needed look i was not enthralled with what i found……………..and now i set upon this journey to turn my soul around
