the hungry rat

the hungry rat plans his attack after he smells the cheese, he doesn’t really need it, his cupboards are filled to the brim

but he has gotten greedy and not it is a part of him

heavy rains caused a flood that trampled his neighborhood, his home was situated in a log that sat upon a hill and the rain and water had done no harm to him or his abode

his neighbors asked if he could share until they got back on their feet and he replied that he would love to help but he barely had food to eat

so he went about his business and much to his surprise people were packing up and leaving and he thought about how it would change his life

he went around and told the squirrel, the beaver and the frog, the crickets and the robins and the one-eyed limping hog to come to the forest at daybreak and evening time and everyone could enjoy a morsel until things turned around

so they gathered in the morning, gave a prayer of thanks and the rat supplied the vittles and they came up with a plan….. they would make a garden and plant crops they all could eat and they set about their work found a spot that was sunny and bright…………..they each had their assignments and they all agreed…………..if you didn’t do your job then you didn’t eat

the garden was a huge success and they got better at it every year and as the rat sat on his log smoking his pipe and wiping the sweet from his brow…………….he thought to himself…….”just think i would have missed all this and the community………if i had kept everything to myself and wasn’t willing to share”

the hungry rat had a full belly and a contented heart