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the nest is upset………….

the nest is upset because i let you win, but i can start over again………………..remembering that i don’t work for you…………..i work for God in what i say and what i do, you can think you are in charge and that’s okay, but from this day forward God will fill out my time card today

i’ll send you your boot…………

i’ll send you your boot when this is done, after this battle has been won, and as much as i would like to say in the note, i’ll just say that i’m sorry you were hurt……and found it necessary to give other’s that pain……………unfortunately it never made it go away…………..so here’s your boot it’s off my neck and it will never make your pain less by hurting other’s you claim to respect

might as well stay down here………………….

when i am conscious and aware, of all the blessings i get to share, i drop down on my knees……………just as i am about to rise another gift crosses my mind……………so i guess to be correct i might as well accept the fact……………that everything that is………………….might as well stay down here……..thank-you