God loves us…..but don’t push it
Yes, He is kind, long-suffering, forgiving, gracious………..
but don’t push it
don’t be the kid in the supermarket whose Mom says pick out a candy bar and he gets an attitude because he can’t pick two
don’t push it
you get a raise and it wasn’t what you expected…..it’s still a raise and you weren’t fired
don’t push it
you come down with diabetes and you have to forgo sweets and take a shot once a week…….shut up it’s not cancer
your car breaks down and you have to have it repaired and it wasn’t in your plans……………you have the money, stuff it
hey chicken little you’re pretty blessed and from to time you like to test Gods’ patience……………He isn’t hip on it
whiner……………….God loves us…………………..but don’t push it