the gift

comes to us each morning sometimes tied with stands of sunshine and sometimes wrapped in clouds of gray each day holds a blessing if we look at life this way some days are filled with challenges to teach us things we need to know some days are like a magic carpet that effortlessly seems to…

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every now and then

every now and then something stirs me within and resurrects a memory long forgotten and once again in front of me i am grateful for the librarian that works inside my head that keeps things filed in their appropriate slot until they are checked out again these old stories use to haunt me because their…

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the lost and found

i get most of my friends from the lost and found because they have missed a few turns just like me but somehow, someway they got honest and decided to stop making excuses and stop being the imagined victim they know where i’m coming from because they have been there to, standing by the wishing…

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the crossing

when we are ready to take a leap of faith most take small steps for we have found a better way to live life on this earth no longer in our petitions that we try to pass as prayers are we asking for Gods’ guidance because He’s always there the wondering has given way to…

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my other name is excuse

well i guess i could, i guess i should, but i’ve been a little pressed, with everything that’s going on i can barely keep my wits…………i think that’s a good idea i’ll get back with you and let you know, it just hard for me sometimes to plan, you just never know…….anyway we’ll see how…

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i learned some time ago, that a helping hand can help someone stand but it shouldn’t carry their load we can all use a little help every now and then but don’t as me to do for you what you need to do for yourself dependence on Our Creator is one thing, dependence on man…

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now as you lay down to go to sleep perhaps a good time to repeat, the promises that you made that lie in shallow graves talk and talk, and wheel and deal, steal their hope and watch them squeal you motto stays intact:”talk real loud and promise the moon and when no one is looking…

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so now you know

the curtain is up it’s a brand new show so from self reflection now you know so with this new info that you have gained are you going to file it or are you going to change so we run around and gather all the ideas to make us transcend the hopeless state of self-centeredness…

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only fools forget /for jimmyp

now we’ve been down this road before and the only thing that has changed is my ability to see your continued attempts to get over on me i understand that’s your makeup and that’s your game, but you don’t even realize i was just the same, so for a young con to try to get…

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you lied to you

to your way of thinking i have come to see, the first lie you told, you thought you told to me but i think the wall is crumbling i see cracks here and there and maybe it’s your time to look yourself in the eye to consider that everything that has happened started with you,…

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