empty quiver

no more arrows in my quiver, i tied them in a tree now i watch them when the wind blows and they are a reminder to me i don’t need them, there’s no one left to shoot, everything i blamed on them turned out to be my fault get rid of your arrows use them…

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mention the word recovery and generally everyone thinks of drugs or alcohol……………………..laughable news for people in recovery[like me] and outside of recovery, if your are an adult you are in recovery from something otherwise you had the perfect childhood, the perfect parents and your life has been like riding and escalator through the garden of…

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make sure it’s worth finding

i knew when i first met you………………….you were on a mission and i admired your dedication………..i respect people that have a destination and don’t appear to be drifting to and fro wherever the wind blows so because of a similar affiliation we started a relation and i wonder if what you seek is worth all…

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empty cup

hard to give from an empty cup not that hard to fill it up stop always putting yourself first then you will have more than enough the secret is to give of what you are given that is the formula for a life worth living no excuse it not hard to do and in the…

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don’t fix that crack i remember that,every time i see it i look back and revisit that time long ago and it brings back memories that i don’t want to let go that little crack in the window isn’t hurting a thing, cold air doesn’t get through it nor does the rain and it reminds…

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look around and get found

sometimes we just have to look around and get ourselves found get back on track and get a reality check of all the things we tend to forget feet where hurting walking downtown and i saw a man that had no legs and i change my tune then on i went and spied a man…

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the mystery i seek was always near, but i kept looking over there my journey has been greatly reduced when there is so much to see and feel in front of me i chuckle when i think about the countless hours i have spent researching how to get over there, when i am already here…

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paupers aren’t afraid to beg, that is their last thread of hope not ashamed to hit their knees and grovel in the dirt when there’s no apparent answer to meet calamity the best posture one could take is to be a pauper just like me when time and circumstance have stripped away the last vestige…

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you can reach me now

i look at a photograph taken years ago my Father sits in my backyard holding a cat we loved i suppose he was in his seventies with only a few years left to live, what i would give to be there again listening to what he says there are no random acts of anything……………..it’s all…

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the stillness of the morning

in the stillness of the morning, in quiet solitude, that’s where i find my Lord walking in the dew i catch up to walk beside him and my presence is acknowledged by the smile on his face sometime words are spoken and often just relayed the message is always the same and it puzzled me…

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