hey, it’s just a suggestion

you might want to walk slower your shoes are untied, and you get in a hurry and you might nose dive there are a few thousand things that you might want to check and i know you and you hate to be incorrect so just a suggestion i know you aren’t keen to unsolicited advice…

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i look to the side of the road i travel…i see the crumpled frame of a fawn,resting in solemn peace…its body mangled and torn my first thoughts are of this poor delicate thing…as if i am plateaus above, a few seconds after that thought has passed…i realize i am as vulnerable as the fawn this…

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took some time for the work to begin because i wasn’t willing to accept where i am our internal GPS doesn’t lie but we have to believe what we find what i found was this; my opinions had built a wall so high and wide that it was impossible for someone to come inside and…

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comfortable not being comfortable, a new place for me they tell me it must be endured to achieve the change you seek allowing myself to be vulnerable, so i can set my demons free able to recognize and embrace, much to be learned and much to be released interesting that unlearning has become as important…

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our dog

your dog crapped in my yard, and i am not amused the thing that bothers me most of all i gave the dog to you……………………………our dog

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the mirror doesn’t lie………..but we do

the mirror often lies depending on what’s inside your mind for most of the time we have already determined what we will see takes a very honest, willing and balanced person to see the truth as opposed to preference i would prefer to gain a few inches in height as i would not appear to…

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ok you can pull the shades, i am done with today more appropriate wording is today is done with me with the first breath of the morning and you feel the razor’s edge better start prayin’ fast, cause you know you are going to be in for it the magic pill that is supposed to…

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jump on in/drowning in my mind

going to take all the restraint i have and all the patience you can send to make it through today had about all i could take and i am in overdrive now, so don’t be late jump on in and bring a float i’m taking on water fast and i’m not sure i swim that…

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anger is a tenacious vine that grows inside of me i have tried many times to irradiate this evil root but sometimes it hard to get to it’s source because i’ve found anger comes forth, when love has left my heart simple fact i dare not retract, ugly but it’s true anger does not enter…

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here, take your ”pacey” and go sit in the corner and whimper i get it, i would not be overjoyed either after a long day to come home to deal with little tasmanian devils aka ”grand-children”, but what do you expect when everyone hops at their little shrill voices but you can accept it or…

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