fortune cookie

the purpose of life: to give more away than you keep, of what you have been given……………………and to take less than you need manners will take you further than money…………………………….money has a tendency to run out………………………manners have a tendency to run in

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welcome cowboys and cowgirls, you joined the rodeo when you entered this world you will be trained as a clown and then you move up, depending on how well you learn to ride and how well you rope you will get better because you will hurt in places you never knew and when the pain…

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apartment for rent

i have a small apartment for rent, it’s already furnished with resentments and the basic fears that make for a cozy place in hell the rent is cheap and the requirements are easy, you just have to piss me off on a regular basis and i’ll give you a key the longer you piss me…

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rear view mirror

just a suggestion, i know i’m not in charge but perhaps when you make more of us you might consider…….a rear view mirror perhaps if in a second i could glance back that could greatly influence how i react if i could reflect before i make my next move i could spend less time cleaning…

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paid 2b nice #54

i get paid 2b nice checks in the mail comes in the form of blessings that boomerang back to me wasn’t my intention but hey what the heck, compound interest has gone into effect old cat once meowed and this is what he purred, ”u smart you go through this life like a little bird,…

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inmate or adventurer

chapter 1 sometimes i hear the jingling of the keys as i walk, they tell me i need to consider the offense for which i have been charged as i go before the judge she asks ”how’s it going for you today” and i reply ”your honor that depends on what you have to say”…

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100 words

big mouth man with a broken lip words jump out and make people flip so we’re going to help you out because you won’t quit this little meter is going to fit under your jaw and it will count the words you discharge you will be allotted a 100 words each day so you can…

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indian creek/penitentiary

they named this place after an Indian tribe that inhabited this area many moons ago, and i thought it was an interesting twist that they are gone and we are left with this that human nature could be so strong that we would ignore right from wrong and place the veil over our eyes and…

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Buddy was a stevedore who worked on the docks, i worked with him and he taught me a lot taught me to appreciate life like the ”last bottle in the drop”and that the real deal about living was to appreciate what you got ate beans in the morning ”cause gives you a little lift” and…

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ignored or criticized

hey i’m over here, you don’t have a problem finding me when you want something but let me confront you with something you don’t want to hear and i might as well be the wind whispering in your ear what a relationship i am beginning to see we are best buddies, as long as you…

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