the karmanic monetary system

this system works in reverse of most economic systems, the premise is/ we only keep what we give away and if we take, not look for opportunities to help others we will always have more than enough try it, it cannot fail………….the universe is built on this axiom it is not for me to decide…

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mental plunger/prayer

it’s just a fact, no use to pretend, my mind gets constipated now and then so it’s now pretty easy for me to see, when crap is coming out of me so i humble myself consciously and hit my knees to pray sometimes if my diet has been rich in selfishness and dishonesty it may…

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i was to witness an amazing feat that occurred while on my porch swing….in a tree not far from me a mother bird cried frantically searching the limbs above, i spied a owl that eyed her nest…….the spring had brought her a new brood and she knew the owl eyed her chicks as food so…

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fires of sorrow

i walk through the fires of sorrow, i will not change my gait i am to blame for starting them by not owning my mistakes to deviate from the assigned walk is the nature of man, but to repeat the same offense over and over again, a man is unwilling to do the needed work,…

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boomerang /# 3

whooooom, right upside the head ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. i can’t trust you, because i can’t trust me so it really doesn’t matter what you say, because i’m going to twist it anyway when in doubt your always to blame, it’s so much easier than looking for the truth makes for a rough relationship, when you are already…

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tired of life

happens to the best, we run the race and feel we have failed the test we moan and groan and detach and when the feel the crying is done we repack our bags,this is not an occasional occurrence it’s part of the cycle of life, 2 steps forward and 3 steps backward, 1 step backward…

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where’s my binky

i am constantly amazed at how culture and opinion influence us how certain standards are an unwritten code of do’s an don’ts, as if this set of standards must be adhered to without deviation regardless of what is actually best for a given circumstance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… my grand daughter is 5 and she still has her…

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fact not defect

sin is a fact not a defect, because i was born a man the only way to deal with it is recognition and prayer i would like to say the sting of being less then the person i am trying to be, is enough for me to change my ways but that statement would be…

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You said i could ask and i am asking, these tirades are chipping away, at the core of my very foundation, i am begging that You take them away a man who cannot or will not control his emotions is the sleeping volcano that can erupt anyday that man who cannot or will not control…

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