i give you my sword

i give you my sword and here is the sheath, it is no longer of use to me……………………….an old lesson taught many years ago has taken hold over time

my defense is compliance as long as you don’t attempt to sway my moral code…………….money, property…………material things are restored to me after being looted

the look of the offender’s face is priceless when no reluctance is offered and the self examination begins if there is a moral code in place or goes unnoticed if it isn’t there

my defense is God……………..if you are stout and strong you may physically overcome me but brother you are wasting your time if you come against my God

attack my family…………i will fight……………attack my animals…………i will fight……………………..these little tidbits you carry away will likely be restore before the end of the day………………and if not, i didn’t need them anyway

here, Father i give you my sword