”should have” met ”could”

”should have” was sulking in the park one day, sitting on a bench and complaining away, flailing his arms and stamping his feet, people moved away not sure what to think

”could” was taking his dog for a walk and when they passed ”should have ” he began to bark……………”could” was surprised he never acted this way and he started to apologize but before he could speak, ” should have” was saying he was going to call the police

”could ” scolded his dog and tied him to a tree an approached ”should have” to offer an apology……….. he said a simple few words, ”forgive us for disrupting your time in the park”

”should have” confessed he was feeling very tense because the best part of the world seemed just out of reach, he was frustrated and at the end of the rope and ”could” replied ”well then there is hope, because when all of our answers have already been used, perhaps we are ready to try something new”

”should have” replied ” do go on someone or something has got to come along to point me in another direction and teach me a new song, you have my attention, please carry on”

”could” said ”i once was like you but it got awful lonely just singing the blues and the rut i was in kept getting deeper by degrees and it wasn’t long before people rarely noticed me, so it was suggested by a dear old friend, to practice pretending where i wanted this journey to end…..took awhile but i gave it a shot, i didn’t believe it would change anything but my life sucked, people began to respond differently and i no longer felt they were enemies, that little bit of willingness opened the door and enough light entered in….. i didn’t feel alone anymore…………….maybe i will see you again in the park and you can tell me if i passed on the spark, given to me so i could give it to you, from what you have told me, what harm can it do”

as ”could” untied his dog his tail was wagging and they walked toward ”should have” and he reached down and patted him and the dog licked his hand

”could” walked away humming and turned to see the biggest smile on ”should have”

that day ”should have” became ”could”