the karmanic monetary system

this system works in reverse of most economic systems, the premise is/ we only keep what we give away and if we take, not look for opportunities to help others we will always have more than enough

try it, it cannot fail………….the universe is built on this axiom

it is not for me to decide who gets help and who doesn’t, it is for me to take the opportunity as it is presented

my mind says ” it’s a scam, dope or alcohol is in their plans,” and the truth is that maybe, but i would be pleased if the last drink or drug was on me and the found the bottom that they need to make a change just like me

i have…. to give, i am alive….. to do good, i am here….. by Gods’ Grace, was a time i couldn’t find the race to get in, but i found enough love from above to clear a space where the soul searching and the fog lifted to find an arch to a new day, a new life and a new world and it was better than i ever could imagine

the compound interest pales in comparison to the dividends reaped in this system……………imagine never be without by sharing what you have

there isn’t an online course to explain it……………’s a matter of following what the heart already knows…………………….the mind is a great place to store information…………………….the heart is the better judge
